Religious Education

Subject Leader is Sharon Nour

RE develops the values of the school: enabling every individual to achieve now and in the future; creating a happy, safe, secure environment where everyone feels included, listened to and valued; embracing the wider community and encouraging respect for our diverse society. We want children to be able to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and belief.

We use the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2019 which advocates that RE need to provide a balance between three disciplines. These are:

  • Theology: This is about believing. It looks at where beliefs come from, how they have changed over time, how they are applied differently in different contexts and how they relate to each other.

  • Philosophy: This is about thinking. It is about finding out how and whether things make sense. It deals with questions of morality and ethics. It takes seriously the nature of reality, knowledge and existence.

  • Human/Social Sciences: This is about living. It explores the diverse ways in which people practice their beliefs. It engages with the impact of beliefs on individuals, communities and societies.

We use the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2019, Understanding Christianity and other validated resources to support our work.
